Meet the world with THE SAEM.
THE SAEM became popular not only in Korea but in also other countries around the world.
GLOBAL ECO THE SAEM spreads the wisdoms all over the world.
After gathering the heritages of beauty from
different places around the world.
After gathering the heritages of beauty from
different places around the world,
THE SAEM spreads the heritages
all over the world.
THE SAEM promises to
share the global eco spirit
for better products
and better experiences
with Korean technologies.
2011.12 홍콩 1호점 오픈
Hong Kong 1st
Shop LG05Ai, SQUARE, 63 Nathan Road
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon,
Hong Kong
2012.05 태국 1호점 오픈
Thailand 1st
1FL, 1668 Unit Mega Bangna 39 Moo 6 Bangna- Trad Rd., Km.8 Bangkaew, Bangplee, Samutprakam, 10540 Thailand
2013.10 카자흐스탄 1호점 오픈
Kazakhstan 1st
Room 2, 37/161, Shevchenko str., Medeu district, Almaty city, Kazakhstan